Concerts at Pauline Chapel.
12 min (1 km)
Piazza del Quirinale
+39 06 4817003
Concerts are free. Reservation required by:
ticket online
call center +39 06 39967557 (from Monday to Friday 9.00–13.00 / 14.00-17.00, Saturday 9.00–14.00)
Visitors will have to be at the Palace entrance, Piazza del Quirinale, 50 minutes before the concert start and bring with them a valid identification document.
In case the names given at the time of the reservation do not coincide with those on the identification documents, visitors will be denied access.
Children under 12 years of age must be accompanied by an adult.
In case of late arrival, visitors will not be allowed into the Palace.
Concerts can be cancelled for institutional reasons. In this case, it will be possible to claim a refund.
Access to the Quirinale Palace costs € 1.50 per person.
No audio-video recording is allowed.
Sunday April 23rd
• Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Quintetto in mi bemolle maggiore KV 614 per due violini, due viole e violoncello
• Johannes Brahms
Quintetto in sol maggiore op. 111 per due violini, due viole e violoncello